Andrew J. Cherlin

Andrew J. Cherlin

Benjamin H. Griswold Iii Professor Emeritus of Public Policy

PhD, Academy of California, Los Angeles
Curriculum Vitae
By Appointment Only

  • Biography
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Publications
  • Books
  • In the Media

I received my undergraduate degree from Yale University in 1970 and a Ph.D. degree in Sociology from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1976.  I came to Johns Hopkins as an banana professor in 1976 and have been here e'er since.  I served as President of the Population Association of America in 1999.  In 2003 I received the Distinguished Career Honour from the Family Section of the American Sociological Association.  In 2005 I was a Guggenheim Fellow.  In 2009 I received the Irene B. Taeuber Award from the PAA, in recognition of outstanding accomplishments in demographic Research.  I am a fellow member of the American University of Arts and Science, the American University of Political and Social Sciences, and the National Academy of Sciences.

My enquiry is in the sociology of families and public policy. I have published books and manufactures on topics such every bit working-grade families, wedlock and divorce, children's well-being, intergenerational relations, family policy, and welfare policy.  My most recent book is Labor's Love Lost: The Rise and Fall of the Working-Grade Family in America (New  York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2014).

My previous book is The Marriage-Go-Round: The Land of Matrimony and the Family unit Today (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009).

I was also the principal investigator of the "Iii-City Study," an interdisciplinary report of low-income children and their caregivers in the mail-welfare-reform era. The study's web site includes downloadable documents that describe the study and a searchable list of publications. The data from all 3 survey waves of our study are publicly available through the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Inquiry.

I am also the author of a textbook in the sociology of the family unit, Public and Private Families: An Introduction (Eighth edition, McGraw-Loma, 2017).

230.101 Introduction to Folklore
230.388 Sociology of the Family unit
230.614 Seminar on the Family
360.400 Social Policy Senior Seminar

Andrew J. Cherlin. 2021. "Rise nonmarital first childbearing among higher-educated women: Prove from 3 national studies." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (37). (Read online).

Andrew J. Cherlin. 2021. "White working-class support for Trump." Contexts 20 (2): 30-35.  (Read online)

Andrew J. Cherlin. 2021. "Good, Amend, Best Upward Mobility and Loss of Customs in a Black Steelworker Neighborhood." Du Bois Review 18 (2) (Read Online)

Andrew J. Cherlin. 2019. "In the Shadow of Sparrows Betoken: Racialized Labor in the White and Blackness Working Classes." Working Paper, Russell Sage Foundation. (Read online)

Kathryn Edin, Timothy Nelson, Andrew Cherlin, and Robert Francis. 2019. "The Tenuous Attachments of Working Class Men." Periodical of Economical Perspectives 33(2):  211-228. (Read online)

Andrew J. Cherlin. 2018. "Psychological Health and Socioeconomic Condition among Non-Hispanic Whites." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115(28): 7176-7178.(Read Online)

Andrew J. Cherlin. 2017. "Introduction to the Special Collection on Separation, Divorce, Repartnering, and Remarriage around the Globe." Demographic Inquiry 37: 1275-1296.  (Read Online)

Andrew J. Cherlin, David C. Ribar, and Suzumi Yasutake. "Nonmarital Get-go Births, Marriage, and Income Inequality." American Sociological Review, August 2016, published online alee of print. (Read Online)

Andrew J. Cherlin, Elizabeth Talbert, and Suzumi Yasutake. 2014. "Changing Fertility Regimes and the Transition to Adulthood: Evidence from a Contempo Cohort." Paper presented at the annual coming together of the Population Association of America, Boston, May 3, 2014. (Read Online)

Andrew J. Cherlin. 2012. "Goode's World Revolution and Family Patterns: A Reconsideration at Fifty Years." Population and Development Review 38: 577–607. (Read Online)

Andrew J. Cherlin. 2010. "Demographic Trends in the United states: A Review of Enquiry in the 2000s." Journal of Spousal relationship and Family 72: 1-17. (Read Online)

Andrew J. Cherlin, Bianca Frogner, David Ribar, and Robert Moffitt. 2009. "Welfare Reform in the mid-2000s: How African-American and Hispanic Families in Three Cities are Faring." Annals of the American University of Political and Social Science 621: 178-201. (Read Online)

Andrew J. Cherlin. 2005. "American Marriage in the Early 20-Offset Century," The Time to come of Children 15 (no. 2): 33-55. (Read Online)

Andrew J. Cherlin. 2004. "The Deinstitutionalization of American Matrimony" Periodical of Marriage and Family unit 66: 848-861. (PDF)
(This is an electronic version of an commodity published in the Journal of Union and Family. Complete citation information for the final version of the paper, equally published in the print edition of the Journal of Marriage and Family unit, is available on the Blackwell Synergy online commitment service, accessible via the journal's website at